
Showing posts from 2019

God's Righteousness Is Our Shield

A devotional based on Psalm 5. God is our refuge and shield. He doesn't take sides with anyone. If we remain on God's side, the wicked will automatically be on the wrong side! Let's sing with David, " Lead me, O   Lord , in your righteousness because of my enemies."

Yahweh Hears When I Call

A devotional message based on Psalm 4. God is the ultimate Judge who delivers the godly who take refuge in Him. What are the benefits of approaching God's Supreme Court in humility and trust? Listen in to discover how you too can receive the very blessings David received from God.

Salvation belongs to Yahweh

A devotional message based on Psalm 3. Salvation belongs to Yahweh . Rescue and help ultimately comes from God. He is our glory and the lifter of our heads!

Blessed are those who submit to the Son!

A devotional message based on Psalm 2. God blesses those who submit to His anointed one, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is King of Kings. His wrath is reserved for those who rebel. Kiss the Son lest He be angry and you perish on the way!

Blessed Are The Righteous

A devotional message based on Psalm 1, a fitting portal to the ancient Jewish hymn book. Discover the secret of the prosperity of the righteous. Live it out and stay blessed.

Spiritual Warfare: Stand Firm in Christ

Busting several myths and false notions about spiritual warfare, Rev Eapen expounds Ephesians 6:10ff, explaining the true nature of spiritual warfare. This message was preached at CITAM Parklands on 26 Aug 2018. Download the presentation used with this sermon.

The Gifts of Grace

God has given each of His children supernatural spiritual gift(s). Have you discovered your gift? Are you using it to serve Christ? Listen to this message that was preached at CITAM Parklands, Nairobi, on 15 July 2018.

Jesus' Person of Peace Strategy

How did Jesus reach out to new cities or provinces? How did He train His disciples in outreach? It was certainly different from the way modern churches engage in mission and church-planting. This message was preached at CITAM Parklands assembly, Nairobi, Kenya, on 30 June 2018. The presentation can be downloaded from here .

The Way of the Cross

This Good Friday message challenges Christians to imitate Jesus Christ's sacrificial selfless life. The Prezi Presentation used for this sermon may be viewed here . This sermon was preached at CITAM Parklands assembly, Nairobi, Kenya on March 30, 2018.

Serving Christ in the Power of the Spirit

An exposition of Acts 1:6-8 with an introduction to the Acts of the Apostles. Let us serve Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. This message was preached at CITAM Parklands assembly in Nairobi, Kenya, on 25 Feb 2018.

Stretch Forth Your Tent

The Church of Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy in Isa 54 where God commanded Israel to extend their tent and spread in all directions. Listen to this call to inclusive mission based on Isaiah 54 delivered at CITAM Parklands, Nairobi, on Sept 17, 2017.

The Incomparable Christ

This short message about the uniqueness of Jesus Christ was delivered at Christ Is The Answer Ministries (CITAM) church at Parklands, Nairobi, Kenya, on 3 Dec 2017 during their Christmas Dinner and celebrations. Listen or Download .