
Showing posts from August, 2011

The Kingdom of God - Part 2: The Nature of the Kingdom

The Kingdom of God-That's what Jesus spoke about the most! Yet our churches are silent about it. Why did Jesus call himself the "Son of Man? What does it teach us about the Kingdom? LISTEN online Or Download mp3.

The Kingdom of God - Part 1: Jesus Reigns as the King of Kings

Jesus Christ is already King of Kings and Lord of Lords, reigning on the throne of David. Do not be fooled into thinking that Jesus is yet to be King. Trust Him, Worship Him, and Serve Him with all your heart! LISTEN  Or Download mp3 .

My Glory and the Lifter of my head

God will lift you up from your lowly estate if you will trust him and commit your life to His glory and eternal purposes. Download mp3 Or Listen online